Sticky Eyes & Conjunctivitis
What are the causes of Conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis can either be caused by a bacterial infection or by an allergy. Newborn babies are especially prone to conjunctivitis as a result of bacterial infection in the birth canal. In older children, the cause is usually a virus, a bacteria or an allergy. Viral or bacterial conjunctivitis is infectious. In other words it can pass from one eye to the other, and from one person to another. This might happen by sharing towels.
Allergic conjunctivitis is not infectious – it cannot be passed from one person to another. It is common in people who have hayfever and asthma, and is caused by pollen and dust that irritate the eyes.
A child may also suffer from conjunctivitis in response to:
certain medicines or foods
certain chemicals, such as those used in swimming pools
smoke or fumes
These types of conjunctivitis are rare.
What are the signs & symptoms of conjunctivitis?
With conjunctivitis the white of the eyes become red and there is more yellow or green sticky goo which comes back regularly. If you notice this and it continues for more than 24 hours, contact your health visitor or GP. This can be passed on easily, so wash your hands and use a separate towel for your baby.
‘Sticky eyes’ are common in newborn babies and young children while their tear ducts are developing. You may see some sticky stuff in the corner of their eyes or their eyelashes may be stuck together.
How is conjunctivitis normally diagnosed & treated?
A child with symptoms of conjunctivitis should visit the doctor. A GP may take a swab (sample) of the discharge from the eye that can be tested for any bacteria or virus.
The type of treatment the child will need will depend on the type of conjunctivitis they have:
If the child’s doctor thinks the infection is caused by bacteria, they will recommend a course of antibiotic eye drops.
If it’s a viral infection, they will recommend a different type of eye drops that reduce inflammation.
If the child’s conjunctivitis is caused by an allergic reaction, the doctor will probably suggest antihistamine medication to soothe the irritation.
Eye drops won’t be painful but might cause a slight stinging sensation (like putting water in the eyes). A child’s symptoms can also be relieved by gently cleaning away any crusty discharge with clean cotton wool soaked in boiled, cooled water. Start in the corner of the eye, and gently wipe to the outer eye. Use a separate piece of cotton wool for each eye to prevent spreading the infection.
Make sure the child does not share towels or flannels with anyone else in the family to contain the infection.
What happens next?
If the child’s conjunctivitis is caused by an infection, it can be prevented from spreading by making sure the child:
washes their hands frequently
tries not to touch or rub their eyes
doesn’t use towels that are shared with other people.
Conjunctivitis is quite common and shouldn’t cause any damage to a child’s eyes or any long-term vision problems.
But, if their symptoms last longer than one week, despite using eye drops, it’s best to go back to the doctor. They will refer the child to a paediatric ophthalmologist.