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Education/ Applying for School

You must apply for a place at a school, even if it’s linked to your child’s current nursery or pre-school.

You should apply in the same way if you have just moved to England or are applying from abroad.

Private schools have their own admissions procedures. Apply directly if you want to send your child to a private school.


Delaying when your child starts primary school

You can ask for your child to be held back a school year if the following both apply:

  • they were born in the summer (1 April to 31 August)

  • you don’t think they’re ready to start in the September after they turn 4

  • They could start school in the September after their fifth birthday.

  • Contact the school’s admission authority to make a request. This is usually the school or local council.


When applications open

Applications open on different days in each local council area - usually at the start of the autumn term of the year before your child is due to start school. The applications in Ealing open on the 1st September


Deadlines to apply

You must apply for a primary school place by 15 January.


How to apply

When you fill in the form (online or on paper) you’ll be asked to list the schools you’re applying for in order of preference.

You must apply for at least 3 schools.

To get a copy of the application form on paper, contact your local council.


When you’ll find out

Councils will send confirmations for: primary schools on 16 April

If the date falls on a weekend, confirmations are sent the next working day.


Do your research

It may sound obvious, but you'd be amazed how many parents rely on rumours and opinions of a certain school rather than using their own judgement, and their own eyes. 

Start by going online to get all the inside knowledge on schools in your area. Go to and type in the name of the school. Or try You should be able to instantly access the school's most recent Ofsted inspection report which is a detailed 'warts and all' description of everything from the school's attendance records to the quality of teaching in every lesson. 

These reports are invaluable and make fascinating reading. But do take note of the date the inspection was carried out (they only happen every three years). Don't write a school off on the basis of a three year-old report. A lot may have changed since then.


Arrange visits

Nothing beats a personal visit. Make an appointment with the school secretary to have a look around, with or without your child. 

First impressions can be very accurate. Does it seem a happy school? Are the children absorbed in their work? Are the staff friendly? Is the classroom bright and cheerful? Is the artwork recent? Is equipment worn or well cared for? 

Make sure you understand the school's discipline procedure and attitude towards bullying. Does it have a Parent Teacher Association? Are parents encouraged to help out in the classroom? By the time your visit is over you should have a really clear idea about the school's priorities and whether your child would be happy there.


Be realistic

You may never find a school that's completely perfect, and if you do, it's very likely to be oversubscribed. So be realistic. Your four-year-old child doesn't need a state of the art gym or ten acres of playing field to do well at school. A good teacher and a calm, happy atmosphere is all that's really required. If you can find that, without having to move house or drag your kids half way across town to the school 'everyone else' raves about, you'll be doing well and so will they.

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