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Sleep Advice



Providing a safe sleep environment for your baby is important to help reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other issues.



  • Do place your baby on his back, with his feet touching the foot of the cot.

  • Do keep your baby smoke free during pregnancy and after birth.

  • Do place your baby to sleep in a cot or Moses basket in the room with you for the first 6 months.

  • Do use a firm, flat waterproof mattress.


  • Avoid sleeping on a sofa or in an armchair with your baby.

  • Avoid sleeping in the same bed as your baby if you smoke, drink or take drugs or are extremely tired.

  • Avoid letting your baby get too hot (between 16-20 degrees Celsius is a good temperature).

  • Avoid covering your baby’s face or head while sleeping.

  • Avoid using loose bedding.


  • Remove any mobiles or hanging toys that are within his reach if he sits or stands up.

  • Use only blinds that have been approved as child-safe in your baby's room.

  • Tie up or secure dangling cords from blinds and curtains and position your baby’s cot well away from them.

  • Don't leave any kind of rope, string or cord lying around, including dressing gown belts.

  • Never use a tie or ribbon to attach your baby's dummy to his clothes or leave your baby wearing clothes or bibs with tie fastenings.


Bedtime routine

A familiar bedtime routine can help to regulate your baby’s body clock and help her to establish a sleeping pattern. Your baby will be more relaxed if she knows what’s coming next. And the more relaxed she is, the more likely it is that she’ll go to bed easily and fall asleep quickly. 

Your bedtime routine could include: 

It’s up to you what you decide to include. Just be sure to choose something that helps to calm your baby. Wherever you start your routine, make sure you end it in the room where your baby sleeps. This will help her to make the link between her bedtime routine and falling asleep.

Sleeping next to your baby

In the first six months, the safest place for your baby to sleep is in a cot, in the same room as you. But many parents do bring their baby into their bed at night, at least occasionally. You may also decide to take a nap with your baby during the day. 

There are ways to make sleeping next to your baby safer: 

  • Make sure your bed’s mattress is firm and fits tightly against the bed frame. This will ensure that there are no gaps that your baby could wriggle into.

  • Never leave your baby alone in your bed.

  • Keep bedding and pillows well away from your baby’s head, as this could cause him to be smothered or get too hot. Experts advise using light sheets and blankets rather than a duvet. If you do want to use a duvet, choose a light summer tog rating and keep it at your waist level, so it doesn’t cover your baby’s head.

  • Lie on your side, facing your baby, with your body curled around him in a
    C-shape. Place your lower arm above your baby's head and draw your knees up under his feet. This position helps to prevent you from rolling forwards or backwards and keeps pillows away from your baby’s head.

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