Healthy Eating
By age two, your child should be eating three healthy meals a day, plus one or two snacks. He or she can eat the same food as the rest of the family. Do not fixate on amounts and try not make mealtimes a battle. Whenever possible, offer your child finger foods instead of soft ones that require a fork or spoon to eat.
At the age of two - you can switch to low-fat dairy products. Milk plays less of a role in the diet – about two cups a day is recommended.
Your toddler is eating meals with the family but still take into account her ability to chew and swallow food. Try to have your child eat with the whole family or with at least one parent at dinnertime.
Your little one is probably ready for a booster seat instead of a high chair.
Nutrition Considerations
Research shows that children this age start to eat more food and drink that is high in fat and sugar, including excess juice and nutrient-poor snacks. Start as you mean to go on - give your child water to drink and a variety of fruit at snack times.
Emerging research shows that insufficient vitamin D plays a role in the development of a variety of diseases including diabetes, autoimmune disorders and certain cancers. Help your child by allowing them plenty of time outside in the sunshine and by offering them vitamin D fortified foods.
Toddlers at this age are still at risk of choking. Cut food into small pieces or watch your child when they take bites.
Most two and three-year-olds no longer receive omega-3 essential fatty acids (DHA) from breast milk or formula and will benefit from additional DHA through fatty fish intake, food fortification or supplements (150-200mg DHA/day). DHA plays a key role in brain development.
Include fruits and veggies with most meals – include one vitamin A-rich vegetable (carrots, spinach, kale, winter squash, sweet potatoes) and vitamin C rich fruits (mango, cantaloupe, oranges, kiwi, strawberries) daily.
Focus on fibre by choosing whole grain foods often – whole wheat bread, whole grain crackers and brown rice – and replacing beans/pulses instead of lean meat two or more times per week.
Incorporate flexible rules of eating: eat meals and snacks at the table, limit TV viewing to two hours/day and not during mealtimes.