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Healthy Teeth

By about 3 years of age your child will have their first set of teeth – 20 ‘baby’ teeth. These teeth will help your child to eat and speak well. Healthy baby teeth usually mean healthy adult teeth too, so it’s important that you look after your child’s first teeth.


Look after your child’s first teeth by brushing them twice a day – after breakfast and before bed. You may find it easier to stand behind your child and gently tilt their head back as you brush. Use a small toothbrush with soft bristles and a smear of regular-strength fluoride toothpaste.


Brush your child’s teeth for 2 minutes:

  • all around the inside surfaces, where the teeth meet the gums, and also the top chewing surfaces

  • on the front of the teeth, brushing in tiny circles all around the outside surfaces, close to the gums.

Teach your child to spit out the left-over toothpaste after brushing. Don’t rinse with water, because a small amount of fluoride toothpaste left around the teeth will help to protect them.


Regular dental check-ups

Your child is eligible for free check-ups from a dentist. It’s important to enrol your child with the service as early as possible, so that you can arrange the first check-up. Regular check-ups of your child’s teeth increase the chances of finding and treating any tooth decay early.

  • Your dentist will tell you how often your child should have a check-up.

  • If your child accidentally bumps their teeth, take them to a a dentist, even if the teeth still look all right.

  • Choose healthy snacks

  • Healthy eating = healthy teeth. To protect your child’s teeth, give them low-sugar snacks between meals such as fruit, fresh vegetables, yoghurt and other dairy foods. Foods that are high in sugar can damage your child’s teeth and cause tooth decay.

  • Drink water or milk


The best drinks for your child’s teeth are water and milk. Do not give your child drinks that have natural or added sugar, such as fruit juice, cordial, fizzy drinks, flavoured milks and chocolate drinks. These can cause tooth decay.


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