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What is conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is a common and uncomfortable eye condition that can be caused by infections, allergies or irritants.

The conjunctiva is thin clear tissue covering the front of the eye. One or both eyesmay be affected, and the condition can spread from one to the other.

Who has a greater chance of getting conjunctivitis?

People who have a greater chance of getting conjunctivitis include:

  • Those close to a person with conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis from infections is very easily spread to other people around you, so precautions should be taken, such as not sharing towels and always carrying out good handwashing. Commuters on crowded trains also have a greater chance of picking up conjunctivitis.

  • Older people. Older people's immune systems may be less able to fight the infections.

  • Children. Children are more likely to be in close contact with other children with eye infections at school or playing.

  • Those who've had a recent cold or upper respiratory tract infection.

  • People with diabetes or conditions that can lessen the body's defences.

  • Those taking steroids (corticosteroids).

  • Having blepharitis infection causing inflammation of the rims of the eyelids.

Causes of conjunctivitis

Causes of conjunctivitis include:

  • Bacterial or viral infection

  • Infection with a virus that may also cause a fever and sore throat

  • Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including chlamydia and gonorrhoea

  • Irritants such as chlorine from swimming pools, shampoo, smoke, fumes or a loose eyelash

  • Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis and perennial (all year round) allergic conjunctivitis, caused by pollen, dust mites or pet dander

  • Contact dermatoconjunctivitis, from eye drops, chemicals or make-up

  • Giant papillary conjunctivitis, from wearing contact lenses, eye surgery stitches or any tubes or things fitted during eye operations.

Conjunctivitis symptoms

Symptoms of conjunctivitis may be different depending on what's caused it, but often includes:

  • Red eyes.

  • Sticky discharge.

Conjunctivitis from an infection may also cause:

  • A burning feeling in the eyes.

  • A gritty feeling in the eyes.

  • Eyelashes having a sticky coating first thing in the morning.

  • Enlarged ear lymph node (lymph gland).

Conjunctivitis allergies may also cause:

  • Eyes itching

  • Watery or running eyes.

Conjunctivitis diagnosis and treatment

Seek medical advice if you have conjunctivitis symptoms - especially extra sensitivity to light, severe eye pain or blurred eyesight. Babies with conjunctivitis need urgent medical care.

It is important for a health professional to work out which kind of conjunctivitis it is so the right treatment can be given, when necessary, to clear up the discomfort and avoid possible complications.

In many cases, conjunctivitis caused by infections will clear up after a couple of weeks without treatment. However, some kinds of conjunctivitis are more serious or are a sign of another serious condition or eye problem such as glaucoma.

A sample of discharge from an eye may be taken with a swab for laboratory testing.

Care tips for conjunctivitis include:

  • Stop using contact lenses until the infection has cleared up

  • See a pharmacist for eye drops to lubricate the eye and help with stickiness and soreness

  • Use damp cotton wool to wipe away discharge from the eye

  • Try not to rub the eyes as this can worsen symptoms

  • Keep washing hands after touching the eyes to help prevent spreading the infection.

In some cases, antibiotic tablets or eye drops may be recommended for severe infections, or if symptoms haven’t improved on their own. These are usuallychloramphenicol or fusidic acid. Let the doctor or pharmacist know if you may be pregnant as certain antibiotics may not be recommended. The eye drops may makevision more blurred to start with, and check the package information about any precautions about driving or operating machines after using them.

If something you are allergic to has caused the conjunctivitis, try to avoid this trigger if you can. Holding a cold moist flannel over the closed eyes can help relieve discomfort from allergic conjunctivitis. Treating the allergy symptoms with medication such as antihistamine tablets or eye drops may be recommended. Mast cell stabilisers or steroids are other options for severe allergic conjunctivitis.

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