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Meningitis in Toddlers

What is meningitis?

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. This membrane is called the meninges. Meningitis can develop rapidly, and is a very serious condition. Meningitis can be caused by many organisms, including viruses and bacteria. Viral meningitis This is the most common type of meningitis. It can be relatively mild, and seem a bit like flu. Some people are not even aware that they have this infection. Bacterial meningitis This is the most serious form of meningitis. It can be life-threatening, and can lead to serious disabilities, such as deafness and brain damage. If left untreated, it can also lead to blood poisoning, known as septicaemia. This condition causes a purple rash and is very dangerous.

How can my child get meningitis?

Your child could get viral meningitis when someone coughs or sneezes near her, as this allows the virus to be transferred. It's also spread by poor hygiene, such as when people don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet. The bacteria that cause bacterial meningitis don't live for long outside the body. So your child can only get it from being in very close contact with an infected person. This usually means living in the same house as someone with bacterial meningitis. Your child can pick up the bacteria from:

  • being kissed or touched

  • people sneezing and coughing

  • sharing eating and drinking utensils, and other personal items, such as toothbrushes

Most cases of bacterial meningitis are isolated, but clusters sometimes appear. If someone in your house has bacterial meningitis, other family members may be offered antibiotics, to reduce the risk of them also getting it.

What are the symptoms of meningitis?

Meningitis is hard to spot because symptoms can happen in any order, or may not appear at all. The early symptoms of both types of meningitis can be very similar. This is why it's important to get medical help as soon as you notice any warning signs. Phone 999 and ask for an ambulance, or take your child to the nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department, if she:

  • develops an unusual cry, or is moaning

  • is grunting, or has rapid breathing

  • is fretful or irritable when touched

  • is vomiting

  • is refusing food

  • has pale or blotchy skin

  • is floppy, listless, or unresponsive

  • is drowsy or difficult to wake

  • has a seizure or a fit

  • has a fever, with cold hands or feet

  • has spots or a rash

Many of the symptoms often associated with meningitis only appear when the disease is already advanced. Some of the symptoms are similar to other childhood illnesses, such as flu. If you are worried, get medical help straight away. Don't wait.

If meningitis can cause a rash, what should I look out for?

If your child has bacterial meningitis that has developed into blood poisoning (septicaemia), she will get a rash. The rash will appear under her skin as a cluster of tiny spots. They look like pinpricks, and can start anywhere on her body. If your child's blood poisoning goes untreated, the spots develop a bruise-like appearance, followed by purple skin damage and discolouration. If your child has darker skin, the rash can be harder to see, so check paler areas of her body. You can use the glass test to check for a meningitis rash. Press the side of a clear drinking glass on to the spots. A meningitis rash doesn't fade, though it may fade at first, so keep checking. If you are in any doubt, phone 999 for an ambulance. The rash is one of the later signs of blood poisoning, after which your child's condition can rapidly become critical or develop into sepsis. Sepsis happens when the body reacts to an infection by attacking its own tissues and organs. Check on your child often throughout the day if you are worried that her illness is getting worse. Even if no rash develops, but your child's condition is deteriorating rapidly, take her to A&E immediately.

How is meningitis in children diagnosed?

A doctor will give your child a blood test and a lumbar puncture to diagnose meningitis. A lumbar puncture involves inserting a hollow needle into your child's lower spine to remove a sample of fluid from the spinal cord. This fluid will then be sent to the lab to be tested. If your child is very unwell, the lumbar puncture may happen later on. It may be distressing to see your child going through these tests, but they will help the doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. If the doctor suspects bacterial meningitis, he will give your child antibiotics as soon as possible, before the tests results have been confirmed. The lumbar puncture takes less than 20 minutes, and your child may have a headache afterwards.

What is the treatment for meningitis in children?

Your child's treatment will depend on what type of meningitis she has: Viral meningitis Viral meningitis doesn't respond to antibiotics, so your child will just need rest and care. It often clears up quickly, though your child may continue to have headaches and feel low and tired for a while. In very rare cases, viral meningitis can cause inflammation of the brain, known as encephalitis. If this happens, your child may need antiviral treatment. Bacterial meningitis Bacterial meningitis requires immediate treatment. Your child may need to be taken to an intensive care unit in hospital. She will be given antibiotics through a drip in her arm, and may need extra oxygen through a mask. Your child may also be fed through a drip. It could take anything between a week and a month or more for your child to recover, depending on how severely ill she is.

Can my child be protected against meningitis?

Your child can be vaccinated against some forms of meningitis:

  • Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine, or Hib, is offered to children at two months, three months, and four months. It protects against bacterial infections that can lead to meningitis.

  • Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, or PCV, is offered at two months, four months and 13 months. It protects against the pneumococcus bacterium, which is the cause of one in 10 cases of bacterial meningitis.

  • Meningococcal B vaccine will be offered to babies born on or after 1 July 2015 at two months, four months and 12 months. It protects against the B strain.

  • Meningococcal C vaccine is offered at three months, four months and 12 months. It protects against the C strain of the meningococcal organism.

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